Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Decrypt and Encrypt Sample Program

Sample decrypt simple:

** pwd decrypt simple example

LOCAL xx, yy, zz, ww, aa, i, cc
Store 0 to i, bb, ww
Store '' TO xx, yy, zz, aa, cc, dd


zz = ALLTRIM (Upper (data_ecr))
ww = LEN (zz)

FOR i = 1 TO ww
aa = SUBSTR (zz, i, 1)
AT bb = (aa, yy)
cc = SUBSTR (xx, bb, 1)
dd = dd + cc

Sample encrypt simple:

** simple example encrypt pwd

LOCAL xx, yy, zz, ww, aa, i, cc
Store 0 to i, bb, ww
Store '' TO xx, yy, zz, aa, cc, dd


zz = ALLTRIM (Upper (data_asli))
ww = LEN (zz)

FOR i = 1 TO ww
aa = SUBSTR (zz, i, 1)
AT bb = (aa, xx)
cc = SUBSTR (yy, bb, 1)
dd = dd + cc

Make Form Add User

This exercise is to create a form to add user ... ..
This series of exercises making form login, change password and next time used for userlist and access level.

Scenario form of a user is added .... We add a new user id to login to the application and of course with its password.

Ok let's begin ... ... try creating the form as below:

Please see the form above, get :
2 textbox for data entry (for password and confirmation using the character '*')
1 spinner (9 maximum value, minimum value 0)
2 buttons (OK and Cancel)

Contents coding "load" event:
USE userku Alias tbl_u

Contents coding "DESTROY" event:
IF USED ( 'tbl_u')
USE IN tbl_u

Contents coding the "Cancel":

Contents coding the "OK" button:
local lcusedid, lcpassword, lcconfirm, lnuserid

lcuserid = Upper (alltrim (thisform.text1.value))
lcpassword = alltrim (thisform.text2.value)
lcconfirm = alltrim (thisform.text3.value)
lnuserlvl = thisform.spinner1.value

if empty (lcpassword)
messagebox ( "Password not be empty!", 48, "Attention")
Thisform.text2.setfocus ()
if lcpassword # lcconfirm
messagebox ( "Confirm password unequal!", 48, "Attention")
Thisform.text3.setfocus ()

SELECT tbl_u
seek upper (lcuserid)
if found ()
messagebox ( "User already exists!", 48, "Attention")
Thisform.text1.setfocus ()

SELECT tbl_u
append blank
Replace userid with lcuserid
Replace level with lnuserlvl
Replace pwd with encryption (lcpassword)

MESSAGEBOX ( "The user id of success!", 64, "Attention")

Thank your attention, please to try ... good luck

Samba As a Primary Domain Controller(PDC)

What is Samba?

  • Samba is a software package that helps windows and unix computers co- exist in the same network.
  • Samba is a software package used in Linux system to share file and printer between Linux and windows system.
Why Samba?

  • Microsoft networking (file sharing) is based on CIFS(common Internet File system) which was developed from SMB (server message block)
  • Samba was developed as a freely available SMB server for all unix system and has been upgraded to support CIFS.
To access a shared file in windows from Linux

  • #mount - t smbfs - o username= <> ,password= <> / / Machine's IP/ shared_folder_name / mount_point
  • #smbclient / / Macine'sIP/ shared_folder_name - U <>%<>
To access a Shared file in Linux from windows

  • click run from start menu: \ \ Linux_machine_IP\ shared_name
  • prompted for <> and <>
  • To map a drive for a shared folder
  • net use M:\ \ IP\ shared_file_name
  • mycomputer - - > map network drive

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Pelatihan Asesor Kompetensi LSP Telematika

Tgl. 24 Nopember 2008 Saya mengikuti Pelatihan Asesor Kompetensi yang dilaksanakan oleh BNSP dan LSP Telematika Jakarta di Cisarua Bogor Jawa Barat. Pelatihan dilaksanakan selama 10 hari, 3 hari Uji Asesor sisanya Uji Cluster kompetensi. Cluster yang saya ambil ada 5 yaitu : Practical Office, Basic Office, Advance Office, Junior Network Admin, Junior Technical Support.

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

Reuni Alumni SMA 2 Wonosari 1985, 3 IPA 1

Terima kasih saya ucapkan pada teman-teman yang telah membuat suatu wadah silaturahmi untuk mempererat tali persaudaraan yang sudah lama terlupakan. 23 tahun yang lalu selalu bersama-sama dalam belajar maupun dalam kegiatan-kegiatan sekolah terasa sangat terngiang-ngiang di telinga kita. Seakan kejadian itu baru terasa kemarin saja. Tahun kemarin sebenarnya saya juga ada di gunungkidul, mungkin alamat saya dulu tidak terekam, sehingga kelewatan tidak terundang dalam acara itu. Saya sangat senang sekali bisa menatap foto teman-teman, ada mass udin, mas joko, mbak trusti, mbak ayun yang waktu itu jadi idola 3 ap 1. Saya masih ingat bagaimana kalau ada pelajaran bahasa indonesia pak subiyanto, tak ada siswa perempuan yang bersuara. Karena yang diomongin pak guru yang seru-seru, jadi para pria tambah bersemangat. ya khan. Itulah sekilas yang selalu terkenang di memoriku tak kan hilang seiring dengan bertambahnya usiaku. Rata-rata kita sekarang sudah berusia di atas 42 tahun, mari kita semakin dekat dengan Ilahi robbi. Maafkan kalau ada salah kata. thank.